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 Ensuring the conservation of mule deer,
black-tailed deer & their habitat. Learn more

MDF Magazine

MDF magazine

Exclusively for Members, MDF is the official magazine of the Mule Deer Foundation.

MDF magazine communicates the mission of the Mule Deer Foundation.

Articles and photographs portray the beauty, value and importance of mule deer and black-tailed deer, while relating the thrill of hunting and the challenges of modern deer management.

  • You’ll find scientific articles on research and field studies.
  • There are the latest updates on big events, like conventions, hands-on projects and conservation meetings.
  • And, you’ll stay up-to-date on government and chapter work.

Each issue gives you insight you can’t find anywhere else.

A variety of views appear in the magazine to inform readers and to encourage discussion of issues affecting western deer.

Want to take a look at some recent articles?

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Article/Story Submissions & Advertising Sales:

Creative Director

Jeff Hunt - Contact:

The appearance of advertisers, or their identification as members of MDF, does not constitute an endorsement of products or services featured.

View Submission Guidelines here.