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 Ensuring the conservation of mule deer,
black-tailed deer & their habitat. Learn more


Hunting is the most often used tool to effect changes in the size and composition of mule deer populations. Establishing hunting seasons and harvests are within the control of fish and wildlife managers, and this activity generates much needed revenue for conservation programs. – Mule Deer Working Group of the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (WAFWA)

Hunters are the real conservationists.

During the fall of 1983, Emmett Burroughs was hunting with a friend as he’d done many times before. While sitting around an evening campfire, the men discussed their love for the country and their reverence for mule deer hunting. They told stories and recounted the bucks they had personally taken, but not replaced.

And so it was in hunting camp that Emmet Burroughs developed the idea that he’d like to in some way help this dwindling species. In 1987 he began aligning the key elements of what was to become the Mule Deer Foundation.

Yes, hunters are conservationists.

In 2008, the Mule Deer Foundation’s Board of Directors drafted a letter in support of “the hunting heritage that we in this country hold dear to our hearts, the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation (NAMWC), and the principles of fair chase that make the NAMWC a success.”

Today’s hunters help sustain wildlife conservation. Hunting license fees and special taxes on hunting equipment fund state game and habitat management programs. By contributing to conservation groups like the Mule Deer Foundation, hunters also support habitat enhancement, land protection projects and more.

Hunters … the real conservationists!

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  • Donate. Your dollars go directly to work – on the ground – for mission critical projects.
  • Volunteer. The reward is in the doing! Local chapters need your help with events, projects in the field, and youth programs.