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 Ensuring the conservation of mule deer,
black-tailed deer & their habitat. Learn more


Want to help, but not sure what you can do?

Opportunities abound! You can get your hands dirty and help out with projects on the ground. These range from guzzler installations, building fences, planting forbs, fighting noxious weeds – you name it! Bring the kids and make a fun day of it. 

Good hands are always needed and appreciated.
Please contact us.

Not much for laboring in the elements? Consider helping out your local MDF Banquet Committee. Post banquet flyers, get or make donations, help out with the auctions, sell tickets, organize youth games, or just attend and participate.

Find an MDF chapter near you. On each individual state page, you'll find a list of contacts, projects, events and more.

If there is no local MDF chapter near you, why not consider starting one? Contact the Regional Director in your state and get started today!