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 Ensuring the conservation of mule deer,
black-tailed deer & their habitat. Learn more

Propose a Project Guidelines


MDF policy prohibits the use of its funds for administrative, overhead or indirect costs. MDF contributes toward projects that extend an agency/organization’s ability to implement habitat enhancement, wildlife management or conservation education projects.

MDF does not fund capital facility or most capital equipment items.

MDF is not a “bricks and mortar” organization. MDF does not assist in construction of buildings of any kind. Requests for museums, community centers, memorials and visitor center buildings will not be funded. We do, however, contribute toward interpretive displays with a strong conservation message in many building types.

Equipment purchases will be primarily limited to radio collars, telemetry receivers and antennas. We do not purchase trucks, ATVs, snowmobiles, trailers, computers, etc. Certain requests for equipment like tractors, harrows, discs or other farm equipment will be examined for appropriateness on a case-by-case basis. While this equipment may be necessary for the project, these items could be assigned away from their intended use and converted to other uses, thus negating a large portion of the MDF contribution.

Routine agency/organization operations are not eligible for MDF funding. Furthermore, planning, inventory and monitoring are seen as agency responsibilities as well. Resource management plans are mandated by legislative or congressional action. Once the planning and inventory are completed, the agency can identify project opportunities and at that time request MDF project funding. Our primary goal is to put project funds to work on-the-ground for mule deer, black-tailed deer and other wildlife.

Project Evaluation Guidelines

  • What are the direct benefits to mule deer and wildlife habitat? Can they be quantified? Are the benefits short or long term?
  • Do mule deer and habitat managers within the state deem the project to be important? Has interagency coordination occurred?
  • Is the project compatible with the state and federal land use and management plans? Will the project have broad interagency support?
  • Who is directly responsible for the project?
  • Is the project likely to succeed?
  • Will the project benefit the public’s availability to mule deer? Is there private land involvement?
  • If this is a research project, how will the results be applied? Will results lead to practical application for managers on a multi-state or regional basis, or only to a specific herd/location? Will the results be published?
  • Does this project need MDF funding to be initiated or completed?
  • MDF requires a minimum of 50% match for projects.
  • How will MDF funding be used?
  • Is the project urgent? Does the project have a reasonable time frame for implementation and completion?
  • Does the project have high public interest and visibility?
  • Will this project receive the support of MDF membership and the general public?
  • Will this project be worthy of media coverage?

Visual Guidelines Media Exposure

Visual images are an important element for reporting on projects. Besides use in MDF magazine, Web site, brochures, slide shows, board presentations and national convention displays. They are used to publicize our accomplishments to the media. If we publicize our accomplishments through the media, our support and recognition will grow. If we do not, it’s as if they never occurred.

We can work with slides, prints, and other video formats including digital images. Pictures of the area BEFORE the project begins are very helpful in showing the progress of the project. Expansive views of the habitat area are important, as well as close-up photos of foliage and landscape affected by the project. People “in action,” such as planting trees, lighting prescribed burns, etc., are very good images. Pictures of specialized equipment such as radio collars, tracking devices, helicopters, etc., are also very good. AFTER pictures are also necessary to show progress for both the initial completion of the project, and long term progress, such as vegetation rejuvenation. Before and after photos from the same photo point make vivid comparisons for viewers.

Project completion photos should be sent in as soon as possible.

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All habitat improvement and research project proposals should be submitted on “MDF Project Proposal Request” forms (use a separate form for each project) and should include the following information:

  1. Submitted by – Project applicant’s name or agency, address and telephone number.
  2. Type of Project – Prescribed burn, seed winter range, seeder/drill, etc.
  3. Project Start Date – i.e., Fall 2012, Spring 2011 etc.
  4. Affected Area Size – Size of area encompassed by proposal.
  5. MDF Funds – Amount of funds requested from MDF.
  6. Matching Funds – A complete listing of matching funds and their source.
  7. Total Project Cost – MDF funds plus all matching funds equals total project cost.
  8. Purpose of Project – List specific objectives.
  9. Description of Project Area – State a brief, but thorough description of proposed project. Give specific location, type of area (attach map if available), mule deer herd size and use of area. USFS use Forest and District, BLM use District and Resource area. Fish and Game agencies use Wildlife area or similar designation. Private landowners use acreage and zone.
  10. How will project enhance the mule deer resource – specifics.
  11. Identify specific use of MDF funds for this project – Give a proposed use and breakdown of funds requested.
  12. Additional Comments – Conclude with any information, not described above, which will aide MDF State Technical Advisory Committee in evaluating the proposed project.


“Project Proposal Request” forms are submitted by the applicant to MDF State Project Review Committee (PRC) through your Regional Director.

Whenever possible, please complete/update this form electronically. This will allow all parties involved to transmit the Project Proposal Requests by e-mail, and it will allow us to better file and track the information electronically for future reference.

  • Project Proposal Form (MS Word file)
    Download the form and open with MS Word. Rename and save the form on your computer, fill in the blanks, and revise and update as your project progresses.


The Mule Deer Foundation State PRC requires a “Project Completion Report” be submitted upon project completion, along with any photographs, maps or materials that depict the project’s accomplishments.

Whenever possible, please complete/update this form electronically. This will allow all parties involved to transmit the Project Completion Reports by e-mail, and it will allow us to better file and track the information electronically for future reference.

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