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 Ensuring the conservation of mule deer,
black-tailed deer & their habitat. Learn more


For details and a listing of projects in your area, visit your MDF State Page.

The Mule Deer Foundation funds a variety of mule deer and black-tailed deer conservation projects and programs including:

  • Habitat Enhancement and Management
  • Land Acquisitions and Easements
  • Help with Scientific Research
  • Conservation Education
  • Hunting Heritage Support and Promotion
  • Youth Programs

Our staff and volunteers work together at the national level, pooling together both money and resources, to further the Foundation’s mission.

Projects are funded through three main avenues:

  1. Chapter Rewards Program
  • MDF chapters are able to fund and carry out projects at the local level utilizing MDF’s Chapter Rewards Program.
  • This program ensures that a portion of the proceeds generated from local banquets will remain in the area to be used on local projects.
  • For more details, visit the Chapter Rewards Program page.
  1. Project Review Committees
  • Projects are reviewed and recommended by state-based Project Review Committees (PRC), which consist of representatives from state and federal natural resource agencies, university wildlife management departments, and the MDF state chair (volunteer position) and regional director.
  1. Wildlife Legacy Dollars (State Conservation Tags)
  • The Wildlife Legacy Dollars come from the sale of state tags from all states (not just Utah).
  • This is money that comes in to MDF. MDF, in most cases, keeps a small percentage for administration, and then pays the rest to the different states.
  • MDF sits on many of the states’ project boards that determine where this money is spent and on what projects.
  • A good example of how this works is Utah. MDF sold these tags in 2010 for $900,000. MDF was paid $90,000 for administration, leaving $810,000 for projects. MDF attended the meeting where decisions were made as to how to spend this money, and we got to pick what projects we wanted to participate in and at what financial level. Since it all goes through the MDF accounting system it is all mission related and is reported as such.

And remember ... MDF is always looking for new and meaningful project proposals!