Cargill Donates $19,725 to West Desert Chapter of Mule Deer Foundation for Habitat Restoration Project
For Immediate Release: August 14, 2014
Contact: Miles Moretti, or (801) 973-3940
Ray Crow, or (801) 973-3940
Cargill Donates $19,725 to West Desert Chapter of Mule Deer Foundation for Habitat Restoration Project
Salt Lake City, Utah: Agriculture giant Cargill donated $19,725 to the West Desert Chapter of the Mule Deer Foundation (MDF) in Tooele, Utah to support the third and final stage of the Onaqui East Bench Sagebrush Enhancement project. The donation will support the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) efforts to remove juniper and replant perennial grasses and forbs on more than 1,000 acres of prime sagebrush habitat. The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources (UDWR) has identified the eastern slopes of the Onaqui Mountains as crucial mule deer habitat making the project a priority for both mule deer and sage-grouse conservation. The West Desert Chapter will be working with the BLM and UDWR to complete the restoration through a stewardship contract later this fall.
“We are proud to support this important wildlife habitat project and the quality work of the Mule Deer Foundation and Bureau of Land Management,” commented Matthew Potter, Cargill’s Maintenance Superintendent in Grantsville, Utah. “Taking a proactive approach to sagebrush restoration will reduce the risk of wildfire and invasion by cheatgrass, but it also will make a big difference for Utah’s mule deer populations.”
The Onaqui project will focus on the removal of juniper in the project area and then reseeding with native perennial grasses. Junipers have taken over many sagebrush habitats in the West and are outcompeting understory species, eventually resulting in the nearly complete loss of these plants and their native seeds. When this happens the site becomes susceptible to soil erosion and invasion by cheatgrass, and native wildlife species lose important forage. Up to 90 percent of junipers in the project area will be removed by a bullhog to leave a mosaic pattern and travel corridors for wildlife. Areas where there is not enough understory to provide the seed bank for natural revegetation will be reseeded.
“Healthy sagebrush ecosystems are essential for healthy mule deer populations, but many of these areas need some help to reestablish good forage and remove the junipers that are outcompeting native vegetation,” said Miles Moretti, president of the Mule Deer Foundation. “We greatly appreciate the support of companies like Cargill that recognize the important work that needs to be done and that the partnerships MDF is involved in can make a difference for sagebrush and mule deer.”
About MDF
The Mule Deer Foundation is the only conservation group in North America dedicated to restoring, improving and protecting mule deer and black-tailed deer and their habitat, with a focus on science and program efficiency. MDF is a strong voice for hunters in access, wildlife management and conservation policy issues. MDF acknowledges regulated hunting as a viable management component and is committed to recruitment and retention of youth into the shooting sports and conservation. Get involved at or call 1-888-375-3337.
About Cargill
Cargill is an international producer and marketer of food, agricultural, financial and industrial products and services. Founded in 1865, the privately held company employs 143,000 people in 67 countries. Cargill helps customers succeed through collaboration and innovation, and is committed to applying its global knowledge and experience to help meet economic, environmental and social challenges wherever it does business. For more information, visit and its news center.